Sunday, January 31

The trip back to the country of pretty girls and vodka

On Saturday morning I woke up at 6 AM. I also asked the guy in the reception to give me a wake-up knock on the door, but amazingly when I heard the alarm for the first seconds, I was up. The flight was late about 45 minutes, because of the snow in London, but I had some mixups even before that. I wanted to take the first bus that was supposed to leave at 7:10, but I doesn't operate on Saturdays (I forgot that the start a week with a Sunday, so Saturday is a 7th day). After that I took a taxi as the check-in was supposed to start at 7:05 according to my booking, but when I was already in the airport, it appeared that the starting time was 8:05, so actually I could have used the 8 o'clock bus as well and sleep for an hour longer. But there was... My checked-in luggage weighed 22.8 kg, but they did not charge for extra (the flight was rather empty as well, I was sitting alone in my three-seats row). Lets hope they wont charge any extra in London as well. I bought some gifts, even though I was a bit worried, because according to Stansted airport, if you change flights, then you can carry sealed bag of goods purchased in the previous departure if this happens within 24 hours. But there is some sentences in EasyJet regulations that made me a bit worried. But as they are not clear, then it is going to be okay. Otherwise I am going to repack. I sat down in the waiting area at 14:24 and next flight is supposed to be 8 AM tomorrow morning. So I have approximately 15 hours for the second check-in to start. Lets hope there are not many passengers traveling. Other question to be was whether this airport is open 24/7, but I believe so as it not close to the city (27 miles). I saw some things that made me laugh as well. Firstly, on the wing of the plane, it is written: “Don't walk outside this area” (it is probably not a thing to laugh about, but it was weird to see that at the moment when we were taking off). And secondly – on my suitcase there is written: “Only carry baggage. Not children”. And British people are... well I don't know how to put that, but there are no such other nation in the world I believe. They are especially funny with their way of speaking and the manner of speaking, and there are also a lot of those people – no matter what the age – who like to go to a pub, watch a football match and flirt (this is was not my case, as I am cold to their “charm”), but yes – British people are very attached to their national feeling – it doesn't matter how much they travel around, they are still stuck to their own country. In hand luggage you are allowed to have just one bag – their new policy is to but a sticker on your hand luggage as well, what they did not do before. I had a small handbag (20x15x5 cm) and my laptop in a separate bag, but I was asked to make them into one. So I did. In a size you can have a 10 times larger bag that was my combined one, but it is not about size, it is about numbers. The same thing with checked in luggage – you can have up to 8 pieces of checked-in luggage, but overall they can all weigh together 20 kg, but you still have to pay extra if this weight is separated between more than one bag. And I should find myself a good big hand luggage bag, but unfortunately here are no Chinese stores:)

P.S. Why aren't airports covered with wireless network (free of charge)? In Faro, they charged 2 euros for 30 minutes... The reasonable price could maybe be 1 euro/hour, but we will see. And there is also a lack of plugs. So you have to be rather smart with using your battery and it is better to just read a book. This is all for now, tomorrow there will be more news.

I made it! It is 7:23 AM and I am waiting for boarding. I slept in the for about 4 hours, woke up, ate my sandwiches I bought last night, and ready I was. They made me throw some things away as well, but some things I were able to put into the hand luggage – had 2 kg too much. And no problems with the liquids bought in Faro, they checked the time they were bought and it was good – so yes, for others to know as well – there is 24 hours rule – if you are transfered from another EU country and you have bought anything from there, you can take it into your hand luggage if it is both no more than 24 hours ago. And it was rather funny, the sleeping part in here... a lot of people, I was sitting in those separated chairs, so I was sleeping while sitting... but I think you could get a lot of nice pictures at night in the airport. Well goodbye, boarding is supposed to start in 15 minutes:P

Friday, January 29

Viimane päev Lissabonis

... Täna sõitsin bussiga Lissabonist lõplikult ära - jätsin  maha 14 kraadi sooja ja päiksepaiste. Eile tegin lasanjet ja seejärel läksime ühe tuttava sünnipäevale. Kell 4-5 vahel jõudsin koju, hommikul ärkasin plaanitust paar tundi hiljem ja sebisin ringi.  Sain paari pisaraga ka maha. Ning lahkusin nagu saabusin - taksojuhtide "linnatuuride" läbi, seekord õnneks soodsam kui eelmine kord. Ausalt öeldes tundub, et kõik kohalikud on turistide petmise peal väljas. 

Minu õnneks on siin telekas + snooker Eurospordi pealt (portugali keeles küll, kuid elame üle). ja külm on siin ka, kuid lülitasin kütte sisse. 

Hommikul kell 5:30 on äratus ja lennujaama. Hoidke pöidlaid, et kaaluga kõik hästi oleks. 

Ja kui varem ei kuule, siis pühapäeval olen Eestis. Ja esmaspäeval kooli!

Wednesday, January 27

Kolmapäev, 27.jaanuar 2010

Vähem kui 48 tunni pärast lahkun Lissabonist. Teadmata ajaks. 
Öö veedan Faros, et laupäeva hommikul kell 7 lennujaamas olla ja Londonisse lennata. 
Järgmised tunnid veedan Stanstedis ja seejärel pühapäeva pealelõunal jõuan Tallinnasse. 
Ehk 48 tundi rännakut.
Eile oli M. lahkumine, jõudsin kell 8 koju ja ärkasin täna kell 2 - kõik tänaseks plaanitud tegevused jäid tegemata. Seega homme on kiirem graafik. H. juurde jõudma peab, et ülekilod sinna jätta. Üleeile käisin sakslastel külas, kell 5 jõudsin koju. Kuna mul võtmeid pole, siis ajasin Piotri üles. Täna sain majaomaniku abiga koju magama. Homme sõidab üks sakslastest kodumaale, kõik lahkuvad vaikselt, kuid on ka uusi tulijaid. Ehk praegu on uued ja vanad segamini. 
K. tõi kaalu täna, kohvrit pole jõudnud veel kaaluda, aga enda kaal on sama kui enne siiatulekut, füüsiline vorm on ilmselt mõnevõrra alanenud, kuid samas ei pruugi, sest siin on palju ringi jalutatud. Elutempo oli siin samuti teistsugune, kodune elu on palju aeglasem. Hetkel ei suuda veel kirjeldada, mida see periood inimesele annab, kuid eks peale kojujõudmist on varsti aru saada.
Ilmselt teatud turismimagnetid jäävad ka nägemata, aga ausalt öeldes väga ei kahetse. Ei ole eriti turistina ringiliikuja. Õues on päevasel ajal 12-14 kraadi ringis sooja, 30 kraadi külmemasse kliimasse tulla..saab huvitav olema. 

Friday, January 22

Korterit jagavad isikud

Eelviimane õhtu, kui kõik veel koos olid
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Tehnilised andmed


Kaal: 59 kg
Pikkus: 162 cm
Vööümbermõõt: 70 cm
Vererõhk: 100/60
Veresuhkur: 4,4

Wednesday, January 20

Viimane eksam...


Täna kirjutasin viimase eksami (loodetavasti), European Law. 

Lisaks sellele sõitis Oskar Rootsi, eile õppida jõudsin minimaalselt, vahetasin õppimise Vana Tallinna - vahuveini kokteili vastu. Naabertuba on nüüdseks koristatud ja lukku pandud. Lennujaamas ei saanud arugi, kui kummaline kõik on nüüd, aga peale eksamit hakkas mingi teadmine pikki juhtmeid pidi ajju liikuma. 

Annelie sõitis esmaspäeval ära, tegin talle hommikul veel pannkooke. 
Ja minu mineminegi on peagi, peab veel koolis paberiasjad korda ajama ja uurima, kuidas Farosse saada, kohvrit oleks ka tore pakkida. Natuke veel poodides ka käima ja viimased vaatamisväärsuste tuurid tegema.

Sain eile metrookaardi ka kätte ja taastatud. 
Hävitan vaikselt kappides olevat toitu, kavatsen viimase nädala Corn Flakesidest ja piimast toituda. 

Ning jõulukingi sain! Oma isikliku öökulliga. 

Tuesday, January 12

Porto ja tramm nr 22

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K&K Portos
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Cabo da Roca 07/01/2010

Sealsamas parkimisplatsil jäin oma asjadest ilma, aga muidu oli tore
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Friends visiting vol 1

K&K in Lisbon, January 2010
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Üle aja....

Ema ja tädi jõudsid siia, eelmisel teisipäeval. 
Ühe päeva olime Lissabonis, järgmised neli päeva - sõitsime Portosse, tagasi Lissaboni, siis Farosse, sealt Sevillasse ja siis Lissaboni tagasi. Väga armas oli, aga väsitav. 
Viimased kaks päeva on nad kaubanduskeskustes kolanud, ise tegin täna eksami. Järgmine nädal järgmine ja viimane. 
Ja aitäh, Taivo ja Baila, paki sain kätte!
Nüüd on mul 2 Vana Tallinnat ja üks suur Viru Valge! Leiba on ka metsikutes kogustes, hapukoort on veel 1 pakk vist, heeringat sõin üks päev. Juhilubadest ja Id kaardist ja riietest jne jäin ilma. 
Fadot käisime eelmisel nädalal kuulamas, kallis oli, kuid äärmiselt meeldiv. Ühekordse üritusena tasus ära.
Farosse sõites sõime õhtust Aveiros ühe äärmiselt meeldiva kelneri juures, kelle tütar oli Soomes õppinud vahetusüliõpilasena. 
Hetkel aevastan ja köhin, aga küll läheb paremaks.