Monday, February 21


Proovisin valimismasinat ja tulemused olid sellised:

Sinu esimene valik on: Eestimaa Rahvaliit
Sinu teine valik on: Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond
Sinu kolmas valik on: Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit

P.S. Ei läinud täppi!

Wednesday, February 9

Needing help

I am almost finished with my studies, all the courses are done, but I still have to write my B (2500-3500 words) and C thesis (6000 words). There has been many different ideas what to write about -
A. Vroom-Yetton model and its compliance with public sector.
Could VYM be helpful to decide how to make a decision and how much should the public be engaged in making a decision. The Vroom-Yetton model was designed to use in organisations to help managers making good decisions. Not in all cases the manager has to inform or engage other parties.
B. Consociation model - could it be applied to Estonia?
Would the model adapt with Estonian society.
C. The subjective well-being of civil servants.
As much as I have looked into the topic of subjective well-being, I believe it could be interesting to do some research on it, but as far as I have understood I have to gain more knowledge before. Unfortunately.

None of those seem to be good enough, so I am having real trouble what to write about. The topic has to be relevant in the present, the aim of my thesis has to be clear. It is not going well... The main problem is to decide what to write about. How to get ideas? I have to figure it out and quickly. Keeping the fingers crossed.