Friday, March 19

I love you, Karma

It is undiscrabable how I feel, but what I can say is that.. well, nothing to say, just amazing

O. is coming to the Baltic states, in the end of March! He bought the tickets few days ago, so it is amazing! It has been quite some time already, 4 weeks now..So I am pretty pleased about that... after that, in April no worries, I booked the tickets some time ago already in February. 

Yesterday, I got an e-mail that we will receive extra money for Erasmus. Just on time, because I have to pay for one course by next Tuesday! Otherwise I would have never managed that without quitting everything else.. but now: I can still go to gym in May and April!!! And I can do other things that I would like to do - to go to see my father and brother, to be able to spend at least some money in Riga etc. Maybe I can even buy one piece of clothing from a second hand..!!

And today.. even more amazing.. I got a job!

Had a phone interview on Wednesday evening, I was shocked because I had to talk in Russian as well.. and today was the face-to-face interview (2 interviewers) .. Tough questions (at least for me) and I was nervous and all over the place.. but in the evening I got the answer.. I got a job!!! And I liked those people so I believe the whole team is going to be nice. Such a happy puppy right now.

What next? Internship for Mr. X and more eating control. But it is going well with the training, managing to do it 5 times a week, this is a third week already, so I don't see myself not doing that for the next few months as well.. And I should write my thesis before starting to work as well, would be really smart. 

- fix my weight and getting fit /takes some months, but going well so far// start with spinning as well
- help with an internship 
- fix the thesis
P.S. and I should visit some people.. will fix that as well
P.S. 2 I have stopped smoking and haven't had a drink for a long time as well.. so next time when I have one, I will probably get dizzy very easily

Going well...

Hope it is going well for you too! If anybody needs help with CV-s, then I can maybe give some tips..

Sunday, March 14

Making soup...

Usually I am not allowed to cook, but as the Mother is ill, I can try for the first time. 
I am celebrating with a cider, the first alcoholic drink for a month. 
And I counter how many calories does one Talleggi "viiner" have and it is 52 kcal:)

Friday, March 5

Some job adds that I enjoy

So for the future job I can choose from:

A) Lüpsja
Lehmade korrektne lüpsmine eurolaudas. Nõutud on ausus, korrektsus, töötahe, järjepidevus ja soov teisi töötajaid abistada. Alkoholilembelistel ja tööle etteteatamata mitteilmuvatel inimestel palume mitte ühendust võtta. Elamispinna võimalus farmi lähedal (samas võib olla ka perekond, sest otsime lisaks lüpsjale ka vasikatalitajat, traktoristi ja mehhaanikut). Töötasu on väga hea, tublile töötajale lisanduvad põhipalgale lisatasud. Kontaktisik juhiabi Iris Tander, CV saata e-mailile: tandu555[at], kandideerimise tähtaeg 25.04.2010, nii kiiresti kui võimalik.
B) Farmitööline
Töökoht asub Kasepää külas, Kasepää vallas, Jõgevamaal. Nõutud kandidaadilt töötahe, hoolsus, korrektsus, ausus, eesti-vene keele oskus. Soovitavalt võiks olla perekond. Tööandja poolt elamine peremajas (alkoholilembestel mitte tülitada). Kontaktisik Sulev Reelo, CV saata e-mailile: info[at], kandideerimise tähtaeg 19.03.2010.
C) Lüpsja
Töökoht asub Tabiveres. Vajalik varasem töökogemus loomadega. Tööaeg 3.30-6.00 ja 15.30-18.00. e-mail: pollurada[at]